3D Mini Flower Pot

For this assignment I decided to make a mini flower pot. I had a few problematic events happen, but overall I now know how to fix them. To start my file kept importing to cura as a super small object. My rhino file was in inches and when it imported it didn’t scale my inches to millimeters, it basically just turned it into millimeters. So instead of having a 1x1x1 in. box for example I had a 1x1x1 mm box. I had to make a new file in millimeters to make sure it would all work out correctly. Then, I accidentally kept the support structure on in cura, which I did not need. This in return make the bottom of my structure not flush, but I learned to double check everything multiple times before I press print. All in all I did learn a lot about the process and now know a few better tricks on how to set stuff up for bigger and more important projects.

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